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🍳 Recipe Ingredients. Columbus


30032021212450    2024-04-11
Jelly is a refreshing, beautiful and very tasty fruit dessert based on gelatin. A delicacy loved by many since childhood.

Jelly is made from water, sugar and gelatin (usually about 50 g of gelatin per 1 liter), as well as from fresh berries and fruits; berry juices, syrups, milk and other products. Vanilla sugar, citrus zest, citric acid, wines, liqueurs are added for flavoring.

The gelatin is soaked in a large amount of cold water, and when it swells (after about an hour), the excess water is drained and the gelatin is introduced into the boiling syrup with continuous stirring. When the gelatin is completely dissolved, the jelly is ready. It is poured into molds and put in a cold place to solidify.

To remove the jelly from the mold, it is immersed in hot water for a few seconds, preventing water from getting on the jelly. Jelly intended for pouring flour confectionery products is cooled to a viscous state, the products are poured in a cool place.ля заливки мучных кондитерских изделий, охлаждают до тягучего состояния, изделия заливают в прохладном месте.

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