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🍳 Recipe Ingredients. Columbus


19092021163959    2024-04-09
Ancient traditional Caucasian soup. The best hangover meal ever.


  • 4 kg. of beef legs (hooves);
  • 1 kg. of beef tripe;
  • 1 head of garlic;
  • salt.



  1. Rinse the beef legs and scar thoroughly several times, scrape and rub with a knife to a mirror shine. This is a long process, it can take up to 2 hours.
  2. Fill the scar with water so that it covers it. Bring to a boil, drain the water and pour in fresh water, and so on three times.
  3. Put the prepared ingredients in a large saucepan with a volume of at least 15 liters, cover with cold water, bring to a boil, remove the foam, then reduce the heat so that the water gurgles slightly. Boil for 12 hours (or in a pressure cooker for 1.5 hours) your job is to remove the foam and monitor the process, in no case should the water boil violently.
  4. When the water boils away half of the original volume, check whether the meat is easily separated from the bones, whether the pieces of the tripe are cooked. If not, cook more. Remove the cooked meat from the broth, remove from the bones and disassemble into small pieces.
  5. Peel the garlic, carefully crush it in a mortar with salt, pour the hash on large plates and spread the meat and tripe. Serve with crushed garlic.
  6. Since this dish is known throughout the Caucasus and Central Asia, the principle of cooking is approximately the same everywhere, but it is served differently in different places. For example, in Georgia it is customary to put a small jug of milk on the table next to khash, in Armenia they always crumble thin Armenian lavash into khash, but salt with garlic, good wine vinegar and bread are absolutely necessary! And take into account that the bones of children are greatly strengthened if they sometimes eat this kind of healing broth. In addition, khash can be frozen in portions and thawed if necessary - you must admit, this is very convenient for such a labor-intensive dish. You can also cook hash from pork legs.

Price: 24 ₽
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